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Having decided to enjoy a lazy morning onboard after all our running around on Monday and Tuesday, Elaine decided to make pancakes for breakfast along with fresh strawberries, bananas and yoghurt, enjoyed in the cockpit under sunny skies. Unfortunately we keep forgetting to buy honey having had to depose of our delicious Lifou honey as a biosecurity requirement in order to clear in to Australia.

Then, once Roy had completed all his administration tasks, we dinghied ashore intending only to refill one of Elaine's prescriptions, but opted also to enjoy another road trip. This time in a direction we had not been before. Our adventure took us into the "burbs", ending in the Robina Town Centre, where we discovered a lovely shopping area, another massive mall, the style of which reminded us a lot of Chandler Fashion Centre and a huge variety of restaurants and amenities. In fact we could have been anywhere in the US with the only exception being the non-cookie-cutter homes we passed along the way, which were the most modern we've seen anywhere in Australia thus far, reminding us of the more upmarket residential communities of South Africa. What also struck us was the huge difference in the demographic of the residents compared to that of the Southport / Surfers Paradise area.

Of course, the worst part about being back in civilisation is the amount of money we end up spending and today was no exception. However, on this occasion we decided to spoil ourselves with the proceeds we eventually received from our debt collection efforts against the last tenants of our condominiums, given the damage they had caused ti bith properties; A new iPhone each, which has resulted in Elaine switching from her Android device and who is thoroughly looking forward to a much higher level of data privacy and security, as well as easier methods to communicate with family and friends, especially the grandchildren.

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