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Having lived on Paw Paw for more than three years now, there is one thing that we have both learnt - Whatever you do, do not plan too far ahead in any way shape or form. While sailing, and the sailing lifestyle, generally keeps you in the moment, in many ways you have no choice.

For instance, planning a departure date for a passage can change in a moment due to an injury or unfavourable weather that was not forecasted or an outing has to be cancelled because something unexpected occurrs on the yacht which takes precedence. As a result, we have a little routine. While eating breakfast, we discuss what we have to do versus what we want to do for the day and, today epitomised why.

Roy simply lifted one of the bunk seats in the saloon to do his monthly task of resetting the solar controller, only to discover water that definitely should not have been there. Then, all of a sudden we hear the wind generator making a very strange noise a nd come to a grinding halt. With that our day began.

We spent the entire morning replacing the fresh water pump and drying out all the bunks and contents that were soaked with water. Then we dismantled our wonderful wind generator, again, and applied some more "lipstick on the pig" by replacing the rectifier, again. Elaine has promised that if this particular piece of equipment stops working one more time, it is becoming an offering to Neptune.

Unfortunately our day ended on the same note it started. We thought we'd made arrangements to meet Georgia (Chris and Paul) and their visitors ashore for a barbecue, but something must have got lost in translation, since no one arrived. Given that the wind was howling anyway and it turned chilly, we decided to return to Paw Paw for a barbecue in the comfort of our own home instead.

We did, however, enjoy a light lunch followed by an exercise walk ashore this afternoon and got the laundry done. Guess it was a productive day after all.

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